John Griffiths AM
 Chair, Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee
 National Assembly for Wales
 Tŷ Hywel
 Cardiff Bay
 CF99 1NA 
  XX Month 2018


Y Pwyllgor Cydraddoldeb, Llywodraeth Leol a Chymunedau

Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee

ELGC(5)-03-18 Papur 16 / Paper 16


Dear John


P-05-790 Tackle Rough Sleeping


The Petitions Committee has been considering the following petition from Hanin Abou Salem, which was submitted with 71 signatures:


Petition text:


We’re calling on the Welsh Government to tackle rough sleeping in Wales. A devolved government is a "government closer to the people," all the people!

I recently moved to Wales and I have fallen in love with everything Welsh. But every day my happiness is mixed with immense sadness because I pass so many people sleeping rough in the streets. Their ongoing misery is an affront to my humanity. As an individual I cannot solve their problem on my own but together as a government and people we can make a difference.

The homeless people I pass every day in Wales have indicated that they feel like “forgotten people”. They live in a vicious circle which can only be broken if the government sets a clear strategy to get them off the street and into a safe accommodation so they regain their lives. About 2 weeks ago I passed a homeless person and someone commented that individuals sleeping rough want to be homeless. As I was arguing against this logic we passed a homeless man near city road reading a book!

No one chooses to be homeless.  People become homeless as a result of certain circumstances and the government has a duty to get people off the street so they can be active citizens who can live with dignity, have access to work opportunities and be able to vote. The Housing Act (Wales) 2014 required all councils in Wales to help anyone at risk of becoming homelessness within 56 days does not solve the problem of individuals who are already homeless and sleeping in the streets. We need to address rough sleeping now!


The Petitions Committee considered the petition most recently on the 23 January 2018 when Members agreed to make the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee aware of the petition, given your current inquiry into rough sleeping in Wales.  We would be grateful if you could notify the clerking team at once your report has been published so we can forward a copy to the petitioner.


Further information about the petition, and the Committee’s consideration of it to date, is available here:


Yours sincerely


David J Rowlands AC/AM

Cadeirydd/ Chair